4 Practical Ways I Romanticize My Life

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Romanticizing life is something I’ve done ever since I can remember. I think a lot of this is relative to my parents divorce when I was a kid, 3 years old to be exact. Their divorce stands out to me as one event that inspires me in a lot of ways. Romanticizing life is one of them. I know it sounds strange, but stick with me. If you’ve read What It Means to Romanticize your Life, this is exactly what I mean when I say to take life’s less appealing moments and turn them completely on their head.

The way that my parents handled their divorce was nothing short of spectacular. They approached it with such grace, selflessness, and care. Were there hard moments? Yes. Were there imperfections? Of course. But overall, they wanted the best for my big brother and I, first and foremost. They wanted the best for themselves. And they wanted the best for each other. And they lived that out authentically and still do to this day.

When you have that kind of love and influence raising you, it’s really hard not to seek out, expect, and see the best in life- Romanticize it if you will.

At 32, I’ve found what works for me in romanticizing life in the good, the bad, and even in the mundane aspects of everyday living. Here are 4 practical ways I romanticize my life:

1. Get Ready Everyday

I live by the look good to feel good/feel good to look good mentality. When I get ready for the day, my day is instantaneously set up for productivity and success. And this is something I’ve refused to skimp on over the years.

Pro tip: Find a morning routine that helps you look good and feel good. It could be as simple as wearing mascara every day or drinking a glass water and soon as you swing your legs out of bed. Do it. And enjoy it.

2. Buying Things I Like

I get excited about little things. It could literally be as simple as buying gold paper clips for my planner and boom my day is romanticized.

Pro Tip: Buy the gold paperclips. Haha, just kidding. But seriously, buy things that you like. That you’ll wear. That you’ll enjoy. Get excited about it. Romanticize it.

3. Lighting a Candle and Pouring a Glass of Wine

Doesn’t this just sounds heavenly? I’ll do this after a good day, a bad day, a long day (really any day, Haha!) to reward myself. I think it’s important to do that at the end of the day.

Pro Tip: Reward yourself at the end of the day. Romanticize it.

4. Pursuing my Dreams

There’s something about a person doing what they love. They glow. I’ve been doing this thing where I’m getting back to writing and I feel like my life and mindset has improved by a million miles.

Pro Tip: Carve out time for your dreams and passions. Glow.

Romanticize it.

January 30, 2023
Date published

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